


count_atom resn lys and chain A and backbone and elem n

count_atom (selection)でselectionの原子数を数えられます.
これを利用して,LysineかつChain Aかつ主鎖かつN原子の数を数えればタンパクに含まれるLysineの数を数えられるはずです.

alias k, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn lys; count_atom resn lys and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias c, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn cys; count_atom resn cys and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias s, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn ser; count_atom resn ser and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias h, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn his; count_atom resn his and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias t, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn thr; count_atom resn thr and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias r, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn arg; count_atom resn arg and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias d, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn asp; count_atom resn asp and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias e, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn glu; count_atom resn glu and chain A and backbone and elem n
alias y, hide sticks, polymer.protein; show sticks, resn tyr; count_atom resn tyr and chain A and backbone and elem n

タンパクのどの辺にそのアミノ酸があるかが簡単に見つかるわけです.f:id:keetane:20210325222536p:plain これは結構便利だなー.