必ず忘れるGit Command メモ


使いたい時には忘れてるGit commandをメモ代わりにalias化しました.
~/.gitconfigに下記コードを保存すると,terminalでgit [alias]でgit コマンドとして使えます.

    rv = remote -v
    ra = remote add origin # for setting remote repo, paste remote URL
    br = branch #show branch
    cb = checkout -b #create and switch branch
    c = checkout #switch branch
    s = status
    d = diff #show diff between main and current branch
    dd = diff --name-only #show diff between main and current branch as file name
    l = log --oneline
    ad = add .
    com = commit -m # with "commit comment"
    cm = checkout main # switch to main branch
    m = merge # merge branch into current branch
    bd = branch -d #delete branch

このaliasでgit commit -mは,

git com 'comment etc.'


これらのaliasはtabで補完されないので注意. 忘れた時はそれっぽくわざと間違うと,

git: 'co' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar commands are

git --helpではaliasまで表示しないけど,git help -aだと一応一番下には表示される.けど,見つけづらいので非推奨.

cat ~/.gitconfig

こちらはcat ~/.gitまで覚えておけばtabで補完もしてもらえるし,terminal上でalias一覧を確認出来るので便利かも.


alias b='git branch'
alias rv='git remote -v'
alias ra='git remote add origin' # for setting remote repo, paste remote URL
alias b='git branch' #show branch
alias cb='git checkout -b' #create and switch branch
alias c='git checkout' #switch branch
alias s='git status'
alias d='git diff' #show diff between main and current branch
alias ddd='git diff --name-only' #show diff between main and current branch as file name
alias l='git log --oneline'
alias ad='git add .'
alias com='git commit -m' # with "commit comment"
alias cm='git checkout main' #
alias m='git merge' # merge branch into current branch
alias bd='git branch -d' #delete branch



Git管理下のparent directoryに置いておく隠しテキストファイル. Git管理対象外のFile名を指定出来る.



git diff周りがちゃんと理解出来てないので,そのうち追記していきます.